
Public authorities are obliged to make websites and mobile applications accessible in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The following accessibility statement documents the implementation status of this website in accordance with the applicable legislation.

This accessibility statement applies to the website published at and the associated web app.

Compliance status

Partially Compliant: Some parts of the content are not fully compliant with the accessibility standard

  • Methology: Self rating and rating
  • Creation Date: October 13, 2022
  • Last revision: May 19, 2023

Known accessibility issues

Listing and explanation of the problems with the implementation of the accessibility of this website. Since the associated web app is displayed using the browser, its accessibility is identical to that of the website.

Content that is not accessible to people with disabilities

  • PDF documents created before 23.09.2018 could not yet be converted to an accessible format.
  • Some documents have been provided by third parties (for example members of the FAU Community, other FAU bodies, etc.). These documents are not available in an accessible version.
  • Subtitles or transcriptions are not currently available for all embedded videos.
  • Graphics or images contained in the pages are currently not fully supplemented by text descriptions.


  • Some of the PDF documents included in the web presence were created before 23.9.2018 and could not yet be completely converted to an accessible format due to their volume.
  • The provision of the videos with an audio transcription has not yet been completed due to the size of the video archive.
  • The content in group or forum contributions (including images and documents) is the responsibility of the respective creators (users), so that the provider of the website has little influence on the accessible presentation of the content.

Alternative access

In case of missing image descriptions, non-accessible PDFs or other documents, please contact FAU Alumni Management (

If a video was provided from the FAU video portal, please contact the Multimedia Center of the RRZE regarding a missing audio transcription, otherwise

Help and contact in case of problems

You may have shortcomings in meeting the requirements notify the accessibility or information that is not accessible be presented barrier-free.


FAU Alumni Management

Phone: +49 9131 85-70929


Enforcement procedures

Remains a request for the possibility of contact within six weeks in full or in part unanswered, the competent authority checks at the request of the user, whether in the context of Monitoring against the operators of the web offer measures are required.

Contact information of the enforcement oversight body:

Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung

St.-Martin-Straße 47

81541 München

Phone: +49 89 2129-1111

Fax: +49 89 2129-1113

